About Us

rotary of atlanta west end - our members make history

Atlanta's West End has historically been fertile ground where ideas and leaders take root and branch out to change the social environment. That history is reflected in the membership of the Rotary Club of Atlanta West End. We are diverse: young and old, male and female, from many different racial, ethnic, religious, and geographic backgrounds. Our members were leaders in the civil rights movement of the 60s, and are leaders in social change today.

We work in many professions, including higher education, community service, law, government and business, but we have a common commitment to building a stronger community - one committed to the principles of social justice and acceptance of diversity.

The Rotary Club of Atlanta West End is living, breathing proof that fellowship flourishes when we seek our common humanity and celebrate our differences.

Among our members over the years:

  • Sharon Adams, First Woman in Rotary
  • Dr. Otis Smith, Georgia's First African-American Pediatrician
  • Dr. Ed Thompson, First African-American Rotarian in the South
  • Frances Ellison-Dansby, First African-American Woman to Serve as President of a Rotary Club in Georgia