October 22, 2018: Michael Hitt - World War One Camp in Marietta

Michael's interest in history dates back to his early childhood. In high school, his teachers asked him to give lectures about the Civil War to the rest of the students, because of his obvious fascination with the subject. He also participated in Civil War re-enactments and living history programs with the National Park Service.

After high school, Michael entered the Armed Forces, first serving with the first of the 15th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division, in Korea.

He was later stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, with the First Cavalry Division, during which time, he gave tours as an historical interpreter at the Cavalry Museum.

Then, after transferring to the National Guard, he served in the signal corps and military police. While doing so, he obtained his associate degree in criminal justice from Kennesaw College, Georgia, and completed his basic law enforcement certification at the North Georgia Regional Police Academy.

He began his law enforcement career in 1981 at Georgia Institute of Technology, and in 1982, began his career with a local municipal police force.

Since 1984, Michael has published about numerous subjects of historical interest. Please see his page at http://michaelhitt.com/Publications.htm for a listing of his publications.

Michael currently serves as historian for the Roswell Preservation Commission. He offers historical tours of the Roswell area. These custom tours are one to two hours long. Contact Michael by email at mdhitt2000@yahoo.com to discuss tour topics and other arrangements.

Posted by Bill White
October 23, 2018


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