Carol Lipphardt Recognized for Dedicated Service to District 6900

Since Carol Lipphardt was not able to attend the 2022-2023 District Conference in April, PDG George Granade along with PDG Margie Kersey and PDG Raymond Ray visited Carol and PDG Al in their home on November 14.  PDG George presented Carol with recognition for her 18 years of dedicated service as the District Secretary/Manager. Carol was also presented with a thank you book containing letters from each of the DGs she served beginning with PDG Claudia Mertl, 2005-2006, through PDG George Granade, 2022-2023.  PDG Margie expressed regrets to Carol from the PDGs who could not attend.

Posted by George Granade
November 29, 2023


Posted by Gillian Leggett
Rotary Club of Stone Mountain
December 5, 2023 2:37pm

Carol, congratulations, and thank you for your dedication to District 6900 for 18 years as the District Secretary/Manager. You have earned the respect of all D6900 Rotarians! Job well done! I would say "take a well-deserved rest" but, we all know, that your days now are busier than ever!!!!

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