Serving During the Pandemic
A Community Partnership to Engage Employers with Job Seekers

Every community in our nation is dealing with massive unemployment and big changes in the employment world. Many careers/jobs are no longer what they were. Unemployed workers must remake themselves for this new marketplace and develop new skills in order to survive. How do they get the coaching, resources and networking skills needed to make this happen? With surprisingly little time, the answer could be, your Rotary Club!

Since 2010, the Roswell Rotary Club and Roswell United Methodist Church Job Networking have teamed up to help hundreds of job seekers with workshops, personal networking, LinkedIn headshots, spiritual support, Attire to Hire and Mini Job Fairs. Now the meetings have gone virtual, and they continue to attract hundreds.

Virtual Mini Job Fairs are held every 4-6 weeks and last 60 minutes. Each starts with hour-long career workshops led by the RUMC team. These workshops help you attract job seekers to your Mini Job Fair. Your Rotary Club would “sign-up” employers with job openings. The employers would announce these openings during the Mini Job Fair and job seekers would contact them directly.

To find out more, contact Lou Tabickman at prado465@gmail.com or 678-372-7037.

Posted by Trummie Patrick
September 3, 2020


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